
Norma tiene dolor de cabeza.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 56 (Norma has a headache.)

idiopathic intracranial hypertension - hipertensión intracraneal idiopática

Papá: Traigo a la niña porque frecuentemente tiene dolor de cabeza, que muchas veces la despierta en las noches cuando está durmiendo.

(I brought my daughter in [bring the girl] because of her frequent headaches, which often wake her up at night when she is sleeping.) Note: Literally, it says, "because frequently she has pain of head, which many times..."

Norma: Sí, es muy fuerte, y a veces, siento que voy a vomitar.

(Yes, it is very strong, and sometimes I feel like I am going to throw up.)

Doctora: ¿Desde cuándo, y cómo son esos dolores? ¿Tus menstruaciones están viniendo normales?

(Since when, and can you describe for me how it hurts? [how are those pains?] Are your menstruations normal? [coming normal?])

Norma: Las menstruaciones están normales. El dolor ha sido durante este último año. Generalmente es como una sensación de latido constante.

(The menstruations are normal. The pain has been during this past year. Generally, it is like a sensation of constant throbbing.)

Doctora: ¿Has notado alguna otra cosa inusual?

(Have you noted any other unusual thing?)

Papá: Está mucho más gorda desde hace un año.

(She has gained weight since last year. [She is much more fat than she was last year.]) Note: Literally, it says, "since it makes one year."

Norma: La vista me ha estado fallando. Es como que no puedo ver bien lo que hay hacia los lados. He estado tomando vitamina A, pero no mejora.

(My vision has been failing. [The vision has been failing me.] It's like I can't see well (what there is) toward the sides. I have been taking vitamin A, but it doesn't improve.)

Doctora: Te vamos a enviar al oftalmólogo para evaluación general y medición del campo visual. En el fondo de ojo, hay edema alrededor del disco óptico. El examen neurológico está normal.

(We are going to send you to the ophthalmologist for a general evaluation and measurement of the visual fields. Inside the eye, there is edema around the optic disc. The neurological examination is normal.) Note: Literally, it says, "In the depth of eye..." referring to the fundoscopic exam.

Papá: ¿Usted cree que todo esté relacionado con la visión?

(Do you believe that it is all related to the vision?) Note: Literally, it says, "that all be related with the vision?" Use of the present tense subjunctive mood like this is very common in Spanish.

Doctora: No. Le voy a pedir exámenes específicos de sangre. Adicionalmente, voy a ordenar una resonancia magnética, porque quiero descartar un tumor cerebral.

(No. I am going to request specific blood tests. Additionally, I am going to order an MRI, because I want to rule out a cerebral tumor.)

Norma: O sea que, ¿tengo un tumor?

(In other words, I have a tumor?) Note: Literally, it says, "Or it be that..."



Doctora: Podría ser una causa, pero si no hay nada, tendremos que hacer una consulta con el neurólogo para descartar hipertensión en el líquido cefalorraquídeo.

(It could be a cause, but if there is nothing, we will have to consult with the neurologist to rule out hypertension in the cerebral spinal fluid.)

Papá: Lo siento, no entiendo...

(I'm sorry, I don't understand...)

Doctora: Hay una enfermedad llamada hipertensión intracraneal idiopática, también conocida como pseudotumor cerebral, que presenta síntomas como estos. Generalmente es tratable.

(There is an illness called idiopathic intracraneal hypertension, also known as pseudotumor cerebri, that presents with symptoms like these. Generally, it is treatable.)


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.