
Pablo, con síndrome Down, viene a su chequeo de rutina.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 57 (Pablo, with Down syndrome, comes to his routine check-up.)

Down syndrome - síndrome de Down

Doctor: Buenas tardes señores Rodriguez. ¡Hola, Pablo! ¿Qué tal? Cumpliste 3 años ayer. Y veo que estás caminando.

(Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez. Hi, Pablo! What's up? You turned 3 years old yesterday. And I see that you are walking.) Note: Literally, it says, "You completed 3 years yesterday."

Papá: Sí, hace tres meses que empezó a caminar solo. Al principio se cayó algunas veces, y tenía un poco de miedo, pero ahora tiene seguridad.

(Yes, Three months ago he began to walk by himself. At first, he fell a sometimes, and he had a little bit of fear, but now he has confidence.)

Mamá: A veces tropieza con las cosas, y se disgusta cuando se le cae algo de las manos.

(At times he trips on things, and it bothers him when something falls from his hands.)

Doctor: Es importante que ustedes le estimulen con ejercicios. Hagan que corra detrás de una pelota, o láncenla para que él la atrape. Recuerden que él podrá ganar coordinación más lentamente que los otros niños.

(It is important that you stimulate him with exercises. Make that he runs after a ball, or throw it to him so that he catches it. Remember that he wil be able to gain coordination more slowly than the other children.)

Estudiante de Medicina: Este año vamos a hacer un examen neurológico detallado, para evaluar la posibilidad de inestabilidad esquelética del cuello, que potencialmente puede ocurrir en niños con síndrome Down.

(This year we are going to do a detailed neurologic exam to evaluate the possiblity of skeletal instabity of the neck, that potencially can occur in children with Down syndrome.)

Papá: Doctor, ¿usted cree que tenga problemas del oído? Le gusta oír música y cantar, pero últimamente no estaba cantando tanto.

(Doctor, do you believe that he is having problems with his ear? It pleases him to hear music and sing, but lately he hasn't been singing so much.) Note: Observe that "tenga" is present subjunctive in the Spanish sentence, but it is not translated that way in English.

Mamá: Sí. Y ayer, por casualidad, subimos el volumen de la música, y de repente empezó a cantar, como antes.

(Yes. And yesterday, by chance, we increased the volume of the music, and suddenly he began to sing, like before.)

Doctor: ¡Pablo, mira aquí arriba! Sí, podría ser una ligera disminución de la capacidad auditiva. Aquí en el oído veo que tiene una pequeña infección. Le voy a indicar antibióticos.

(Pablo, look up here! Yes, it could be a small reduction in his auditory capacity. Here in the ear I see that he has a small infection. I am going to prescribe antibiotics for him.)

Mamá: Él está como siempre, sonriendo y dando besos. Por esa razón no me pareció que estuviera enfermo.

(He seems his usual self [is as usual], smiling and giving kisses. For that reason, he did not seem sick to me.) Note: Literally, it says, "For that reason it did not seem to me that he were sick."

Doctor: Si el problema auditivo continúa después del tratamiento, tendrá que llevarlo al audiólogo. Le voy a pedir sus exámenes anuales de rutina, incluyendo los de la tiroides. También, va a necesitar su chequeo anual con el oftalmólogo.

(If the hearing problem continues after the treatment, you will have to take him to the audiologist. I am going to order his annual routine lab tests, including those of the thyroid. Also, he is going to need his annual visit with the ophthalmologist.)



Estudiante de Medicina: Y ustedes deben cepillarle los dientes frecuentemente, porque los pacientes con síndrome Down tienen tendencia a tener problemas periodontales.

(And you must brush his teeth frequently, because patients with Down syndrome have a tendency to have periodontal problems.)

Papá: Doctor, la terapista de lenguaje está ayudando. Él esta hablando mejor, y ahora hasta puede cantar.

(Doctor, the speech therapist is helping. He is speaking better, and now he can even sing.)

Mamá: En la escuela, la maestra dice que ahora tiene más amigos, y puede jugar con ellos sin pelear, aunque a veces es un poco terco. Sin embargo, siempre termina adaptándose a la situación.

(In school, the teacher says that now he has more friends, and can play with them without fighting, although sometimes he is a bit stubborn. However, he always ends up adapting himself to the situation.)

Doctor: Excelente. ¿Cómo es su comportamiento en la casa? ¿Es obediente?

(Excellent. How is his behavior at home? Is he obedient?)

Papá: Él es muy tierno. A veces, no quiere obedecer, pero al repetir la orden termina haciendo lo que se le dice. Le gusta jugar, dibujar, y escuchar música. Intenta bailar, pero no es fácil para él.

(He is very affectionate. At times, he does not want to obey, but when the order is repeated, he always ends up doing the thing that was said to him. He likes to play, draw, and listen to music. He tries to dance, but it is not easy for him.) Note: Literally, it says, "at to repeat the order..."

Doctor: Pablo está progresando bastante bien. Continúen estimulándolo con música y canciones, y empiecen a leerle en voz alta, para que amplíe su vocabulario.

(Pablo is progressing quite well. Continue stimulating him with music and songs, and begin to read to him out loud, so that he increases his vocabulary.) Note: Observe that "amplíe" is present subjunctive in the Spanish sentence, but it is not translated that way in English.

Mamá: Lo único malo doctor, es que come demasiado. Todo el tiempo tiene hambre.

(The only bad thing doctor, is that he eats too much. He is hungry all the time.)

Doctor: Deben controlarle el peso, porque ya noté que tiene varias libras extra. Presten atención al tipo de alimentación, y disminúyanle el consumo de dulces y golosinas.

(You must control his weight, because I noticed that he has a few extra pounds. Pay attention to the type of food, and decrease his consumption of sweets and candies.)


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.