
Esperanza está somnolienta y tiene frío.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 41 (Esperanza is drowsy and cold.)

hypothyroidism - hipotiroidismo

Papá: La maestra dice que ya no está prestando atención como antes. Sus notas han bajado, y parece que siempre tiene sueño.

(The teacher says that now she is not paying attention like before. Her grades have gone down, and it seems that she is always sleepy. [Literally, "always has sleepiness."])

Esperanza: Yo continúo haciendo el mismo esfuerzo para estudiar, pero me canso más rápido, y me da sueño fácilmente.

(I continue making the same effort for studying, but I tire more quickly, and it easily makes me sleepy.) Note: Literally, it says, "to me it gives sleepiness easily."

Doctora: ¿Y has tenido algún otro síntoma? ¿Has notado en tu cuerpo algo que haya cambiado?

(And have you had any other symptom? Have you noticed anything different ["that has changed"] in your body?)

Esperanza: Todo el tiempo tengo que usar abrigos, porque siempre tengo frío. Últimamente tengo un poco de estreñimiento, y a veces los períodos me duran muchos días.

(I have to use coats all the time, because I am always cold. Lately I have a bit of constipation, and sometimes my periods last many days.)

Papá: Además, mi esposa y yo estamos notando que está aumentando de peso.

(Also, my wife and I are noticing that she is gaining weight.)

Doctora: Al examen físico no parece haber algo malo, pero le voy a pedir exámenes de la glándula tiroides, incluyendo los de laboratorio y un ultrasonido.

(On physical exam, there does not seem to be anything wrong, but I am going to order tests of the thyroid gland, which will include a blood test and an ultrasound. [Literally, "including those by laboratory and an ultrasound."])

Papá: Mi hermana fue diagnosticada con problema de tiroides hace muchos años, y ha estado tomando tratamiento desde entonces.

(My sister was diagnosed with a thyroid problem many years ago, and she has been taking medicine ["treatment"] since then.)

Doctora: Los resultados de las pruebas muestran que tiene hipotiroidismo. El ultrasonido no muestra lesiones sospechosas. Le indicaré tratamiento, y deberá venir a control en tres meses.

(The results of the tests show that she has hypothyroidism. The ultrasound does not show any suspicious lesions. I will prescribe treatment, and she should come in for follow-up in three months.)



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Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.