
Karina no para de toser.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 28 (Karina does not stop coughing.)

allergies - alergias

Papá: Doctor, esta niña me tiene preocupado. Hace seis meses que no para de toser. Tose a toda hora.

(Doctor, this girl has me worried. She has not stopped coughing for six months. She coughs all the time. Literally, "It makes six months that she does not stop coughing. She coughs at every hour.") Note: "de toser" literally means "of to cough."

Karina: Sí, y también me pican los ojos.

(Yes, and also the eyes are itching.)

Doctor: ¿Expulsa alguna secreción con la tos? ¿o tiene moco en la nariz?

(Does she cough anything up? Literally, "She expels some secretion with the cough?" Or does she have mucus in her nose?)

Papá: Generalmente la tos es seca. Pero siempre tiene moco en la nariz.

(Generally, the cough is dry. But she always has mucus in her nose.)

Karina: El moco me baja por dentro de la boca hasta la garganta, y entonces me da ganas de toser.

(The mucus comes down inside the mouth to the throat, and then I feel like coughing.) Note: Literally, it says "it gives me desire of to cough."

Doctor: ¿Sólo tiene seis meses tosiendo? ¿Hay algo en su rutina diaria que haya cambiado desde hace seis meses?

(She has been coughing for only six months? Is there something in her daily routine that changed six months ago?)

Papá: Tiene seis meses que la tos es casi constante. Antes de eso, sólo tosía ocasionalmente. No creo que haya cambiado algo en su rutina.

(It has been six months that the cough is almost constant. Before of that, only she coughed occasionally. I don't believe that she has changed anything in her routine.) Note: "tosía" is an example of the past imperfect verb tense.

Karina: La tía Lala nos regaló un gato hace seis meses...

(Aunt Lala gave us (as a gift) a cat six months ago...)

Doctor: Aah, y tú juegas mucho con él desde que llegó, ¿no es así?

(Aah, and you play a lot with it since it arrived, isn't that right?)

Papá: Uuy sí, doctor. Hasta para dormir.

(Uuy, yes, doctor. Even for sleeping (is sleeping with the cat).)

Doctor: Entonces esto nos orienta a pensar en un proceso alérgico crónico respiratorio. De ahora en adelante, nada de dormir con el gato, y debe lavarse las manos después de tocar el animalito.

(Then this leads us to consider a chronic respiratory allergic process. From now on, no sleeping with the cat, and she must wash her hands after touching the little animal.)

Papá: ¿Necesita alguna medicina, doctor?

(Does she need any medicine, doctor?)

Doctor: Sí, por supuesto. Además de lo que hablamos, ella puede tomar medicina antialérgica diariamente, si la necesita.

(Yes, of course. In addition to what we said, she can take an anti-allergy medicine daily, if she needs it.)



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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.