
Horacio tiene evacuaciones negras

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 21 (Horacio has black stools.)

hematochezia (blood in stool) - hematoquezia (deposiciĆ³n intestinal sanguinolenta)

Horacio: Doctora, me estoy muriendo. Por favor, haga algo. Estoy mareado y tengo ganas de vomitar.

(Doctor, I am dying. Please, do something. I am dizzy and I feel like I am going to throw up. Literally, "I have desire to vomit.")

Doctora: A ver, acuéstese y cuénteme mientras le examino...

(Let's see, lie down and tell me about it while I examine you...) Note: Literally, "A ver" means "at to see." Also note that "acuéstese" is the polite imperative sense of the reflexive verb "acostarse."

Horacio: Desde anoche estoy evacuando fétido y negro, y tengo muchas náuseas.

(Since last night, I have had black and foul smelling stools (Literally, "I am stooling stinking and black"), and I have a lot of nausea.)

Doctora: ¿Ha estado tomando alguna medicina recientemente? o ¿licor?

(Have you been taking any medicine recently, or liquor?)

Horacio: Bueno, sí,...tengo dos semanas tomando medicinas anti-inflamatorias y ayer celebramos el cumpleaños de mi abuela y tomamos bastante licor.

(Well, yes. I have been taking anti-inflammatory medicines for two weeks, and yesterday we celebrated the birthday of my grandmother, and we drank quite a lot of liquor.)

Doctora: Por lo pronto, te pediremos exámenes de laboratorio y una endoscopia digestiva superior. Enfermera, por favor, mantenga control estricto de los signos vitales.

(For a start, we will request laboratory tests and an endoscopy of the upper digestive tract. Nurse, please closely monitor the vital signs.)

Horacio: ¿Y eso va a tardar mucho?

(And is that going to take a long time?)

Doctora: No, no mucho. Pero el estudio gástrico nos revelará la causa de la hemorragia digestiva superior, y podremos darte tratamiento adecuado.

(No, not much. But the gastric study will reveal to us the cause of the upper digestive tract bleeding, and we will be able to give you appropriate treatment.)



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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.