
La bebé casi no llora.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 22 (The baby almost doesn't cry.)

irritable baby - bebé irritable

Doctor: Sra. Martínez, ¿qué hace Ud. tan pronto por aquí?. Yo pensaba que el control de niño sano de la bebé sería la semana próxima...

(Mrs. Martinez, what are you doing here so soon? I thought that the well child check-up of the baby would be the next week...) Note: "hace" means "do," but is translated here as "doing," only to sound better in English. Also note that "pensaba" is the imperfect tense of the verb, "pensar."

Sra. Martínez: Sí, Ud. tiene razón, pero es que la niña casi no llora, y está muy irritable desde anoche. Me rechaza el pecho, y no come desde esta mañana después de vomitar.

(Yes, You are right, but it's that the girl hardly cries, and she is very irritable since last night. She rejects the breast, and doesn't eat since this morning after vomiting.) Note: "tiene razón" literally means "have reason." Also note that "me rechaza el pecho" literally means "to me she rejects the chest."

Doctor: ¿Ha tenido diarrea o fiebre?. Enfermera, la niña tiene las mucosas secas. Por favor, póngale una hidratación con solución fisiológica endovenosa.

(Has she had diarrhea or fever? Nurse, the girl has dry mucusal surfaces. Please hydrate her with intravenous physiologic solution.)

Sra. Martínez: No, no ha tenido diarrea, pero fiebre sí, en dos oportunidades, de 103 grados, que no se quitan completamente con la medicina.

(No, she has not had diarrhea, but fever, yes, two times, of 103 degrees, that don't go away completely with the medicine.) Note: passive tense constructed with reflexive verb, "se quitan," meaning literally "take themselves away."

Doctor: Enfermera, prepare un equipo para punción lumbar. Tendremos que descartar meningitis.

(Nurse, prepare equipment for lumbar puncture. We will have to rule out meningitis.)

Sra. Martínez: Doctor, ¿qué le va a hacer?

(Doctor, what are you going to do to her?)

Doctor: Tendremos que tomar líquido de la médula espinal. Usaremos una aguja especial y anestésico local. No se preocupe, que no le dolerá.

(We will have to take liquid from the spine. We will use a special needle and local anesthesia. Don't worry. It will not hurt her.)

Sra. Martínez: ¿Y después de eso?

(And after that?)

Doctor: Mandaremos la muestra al laboratorio, para tener un diagnóstico preciso.

(We will send the sample to the laboratory, to have a precise diagnosis.)



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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.