
Sonia sigue gorda.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 20 (Sonia continues overweight.)

pregnancy - embarazo

Sonia: Doctor, vine porque tengo un dolor cólico abdominal terrible. Yo creo que está relacionado con la dieta que me indicó la nutricionista.

(Doctor, I came because I have a terrible colicky abdominal pain. I believe that it is related to the diet that the nutritionist gave me.)

Doctor: No pareces haber bajado mucho de peso. ¿Cuándo te empezó el dolor?

(You do not seem to have lost much weight. When (to you) did the pain begin?)

Sonia: Ya tengo casi un año con la dieta, y al principio pareció funcionar, pero ahora no sé qué pasa. El dolor empezó esta mañana, pero cada vez se hace más intenso y frecuente.

(I have been on the diet for almost a year now, and at first it seemed to work, but now I don't know what is happening. The pain began this morning, but it keeps getting more intense and frequent.)

Doctor: Deja que te examine. ¿Tus períodos están viniendo regularmente?

(Let me examine you. (Literally, "Let that I examine you.) Are your periods coming regularly?)

Sonia: Esa es otra cosa doctor. Después que empecé la dieta, el período no me vino más. Estaba por pedirle que me refiriera al ginecólogo por ese problema.

(That is another thing, doctor. After I began the diet, my period did not come (to me) again. I was about to request (from you) to be referred [that you refer me] to the gynecologist for that problem.) Note: "Estaba" is an example of the imperfect verb tense, and "por" is translated idiomatically as "about." Also observe that "refiriera" is an example of the imperfect subjunctive verb tense.

Doctor: No te preocupes, te voy a enviar de inmediato a la sala de partos, porque estás en trabajo de parto. ¿Ves aquí en el ultrasonido, esto moviéndose? Ése es tu hijo.

(Don't worry, I am going to send you immediately to labor and delivery, because you are in labor. Do you see here on the ultrasound, this moving? That is your son.) Note: "sala de partos" literally says "room of deliveries," and "trabajo de parto" means "work of delivery."



Sonia: ¿Qué? Es una broma, ¿no es cierto?

(What? It's a joke, right?) Note: "no es cierto" literally means, "isn't it certain (true)?"

Doctor: No, la amenorrea es debido a que tienes un embarazo a término y estás en trabajo de parto. Enfermera, por favor, llame al servicio de obstetricia y diga que les enviamos una paciente.

(No, the amenorrhea is due to that you have a pregnancy at term and you are in labor. Nurse, please, call to the obstetrics service and say that we are sending them a patient.)


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.