
Aurora tiene dolor de barriga.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 19 (Aurora has abdominal pain.)

Abdominal Pain - Dolor Abdominal

Aurora: ¡Ay doctora! Yo no sé que me está pasando. Tengo un dolor de barriga terrible.

(Ay, doctor. I don't know what is happening to me. I have a terrible stomach ache [pain in the belly].)

Doctora: ¿Hay algún sitio del abdomen que te duela más? ¿Has tenido alguna otra cosa?

(Is there any part of the abdomen that hurts you most? Have you had any thing else?) Note: "Has tenido" is a good example of the present perfect tense, "have you had."

Aurora: Bueno, me duele de lado a lado, y he tenido muchas náuseas con vómitos verdosos.

(Well, it hurts me from side to side, and I have had a lot of nausea and greenish vomit.)

Doctora: ¿Has tenido esto antes?

(Have you had this before?)

Aurora: Sí, una vez tuve algo parecido, pero no vomité tantas veces. Me hicieron los exámenes y un ultrasonido abdominal, pero no apareció nada.

(Yes, I had something similar once, but I didn't vomit so many times. They tested me, and did an abdominal ultrasound, but nothing was revealed. Literally, "but did not appear nothing.") Note: The double negative sounds funny in English, but that is indeed correct grammar in Spanish.



Doctora: Bueno, esta vez haremos una rutina diagnóstica similar. ¿Has tenido fiebre?

(Well, this time we will do a similar diagnostic routine. Have you had fever?)

Aurora: Sí, dos veces, que se quitaron con ibuprofeno, pero el medicamento no ha servido para calmar el dolor.

(Yes, two times, which went away with ibuprofen, but the medicine has not served to alleviate the pain.)

Doctora: ¿Has tenido excesos en la comida o en la bebida recientemente?

(Have you recently been eating or drinking excessively? Literally, "Have you had excesses in the food or in the drink recently?")

Aurora: Bueno, sí. Estos últimos fines de semana he estado cometiendo algunos excesos, especialmente con las bebidas alcohólicas.

(Well, yes. These last few weekends, I have been committing some excesses, especially with alcoholic drinks.)

Doctora: Por lo que describes, tendremos que descartar una pancreatitis. Si el diagnóstico se confirma, tendremos que dejarte aquí en el hospital, para chequearte continuamente hasta que la inflamación haya mejorado.

(From what you describe, we will have to rule out pancreatitis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, we will have to leave you here in the hospital, to check on you continuously until the inflammation has improved.) Note: Observe how "lo" is translated as "the thing" in this sentence. Also note that "haya mejorado" is the present perfect subjunctive tense.


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.