
At the Pharmacy

Spanish for pharmacists: pharmacist (farmacéutico)


Please also review greetings in back-to-basics page 3a.

1. Buenos días, por favor quisiera que me preparen esta prescripción.

(Good day, I would like you to please fill this prescription for me. Literally: "I would like that you please prepare for me this prescription.") Note: Observe that the word "quisiera" is actually the imperfect subjunctive, and literally means "wanted," or "were wanting." It is included this way because that is what the pharmacist might actually hear the patient say.

2. Sí claro. ¿Me dice su nombre por favor?

(Yes of course. Would you tell me your name please?) Note: Literally it says, "you tell me your name please?"

3. ¿Es la primera vez que viene a nuestra farmacia?

(Is it the first time you have come to our pharmacy? Literally: "...that you come...")

4. Si es la primera vez en esta farmacia, voy a necesitar sus datos personales.

(If it is your first time in this pharmacy, I am going to need your personal information.)

5. Voy a necesitar su nombre y dirección.

(I am going to need your name and address.)

6. ¿Va a pagar con dinero en efectivo, tarjeta de crédito, o con seguro?

(Are you going to pay with cash, a credit card, or insurance?)

7. Sí, aquí aceptamos la mayoría de los planes medicare y medicaid.

(Yes, here we accept the majority of medicare and medicaid plans.)

8. No, lo siento, no aceptamos medicaid ni medicare.

(No, I am sorry, we do not accept medicaid nor medicare.)

9. Usted ya aparece en nuestros registros. ¿Sigue siendo la misma dirección?

(You already appear in our registry. Are you at the same address? Literally: "Does it continue being the same address?")

10. ¿Usted quiere esta marca comercial específica?

(Do you want this specific brand?)

11. ¿Le gustaría una medicina genérica?

(Would you like a generic medicine?)

12. La preparación no tardará mucho. Si quiere, siéntese a esperarla que nosotros le llamaremos.

(The preparation will not take too long. If you want, you may sit here and wait for it; we will call you.) Note: Literally it says, "sit down to wait for it that we will call you."

13. ¿Desea la prescripción en este momento?

(Do you want the prescription right now?)

14. Si no desea o no puede esperar, puede pasar recogiéndola más tarde.

(If you do not want to, or cannot wait, you can come by and pick it up later.)

15. Aquí tiene la medicina.

(Here is the medicine.)

16. Por favor firme el registro aquí.

(Please sign the record here.)



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