
Course of Action / Instructions

Medical Spanish: plan / course of action / instructions

See also the video about referring to a specialist, and the list of specialists.

1. Necesitamos una prueba de sangre / orina / líquido de la médula espinal / heces.

(We need a blood / urine / spinal fluid / stool test.)

2. Vaya al laboratorio con esta orden.

(Go to the laboratory with this order.)

3. Voy a hacerle una cita con el especialista.

(I am going to make an appointment for you/him/her with the specialist.)

4. Dele tratamiento por tres días, y luego tráigale nuevamente para reevaluación.

(Give him/her treatment for three days, and later bring him/her again for reevaluatiion.)

5. Manténgale en observación cuidadosa.

(Keep him/her under careful observation.)

6. Vigile la temperatura cada cuatro horas.

(Take his/her temperature every four hours. Literally: "Watch" or "keep an eye on" the temperature...)

7. Parece ser un virus, y no hace falta tratamiento con antibióticos.

(It seems to be a virus, and treatment with antibiotics is not necessary.) Note: The idiomatic expression can be translated like this, "It does not make lack (or missing) treatment with antibiotics."

8. Estabilizaremos la fractura con una inmovilización de yeso.

(We will stabilize the fracture with a plaster cast inmobilization.)

9. Regrese en cinco días para retirar los puntos de sutura de la herida.

(Return in five days to remove the stitches from the wound.)



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