
Marina se ahoga cuando está comiendo.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 63 (Marina chokes when she is eating.)

fistula - fĂ­stula

Mamá: ¡Por favor ayúdennos, la bebé se nos muere!

(Please help us, the baby girl is dying!) Note: Literally, it says, "dies herself to us," because this verb is used reflexively and with the indirect object in this context.

Enfermera (nurse): Acuesténla aquí. ¿Qué sucedió?

(Lay her down here. What happened?)

Papá: La mamá le estaba dando la mamila y de repente no se movía, ni respiraba.

(The mom was giving her the bottle and suddenly she was not moving, nor breathing.)

Doctor: ¿Qué edad tiene la bebé? ¿Fue un embarazo controlado? ¿Dónde nació?

(How old is the baby? [What age has the baby?] Was it a controlled pregnancy? Where was she born?)

Mamá: Ella nació en la casa hace 5 días. No somos de aquí, tenemos menos de seis meses viviendo en este país. No me pude controlar el embarazo.

(She was born at home 5 days ago. We are not from here. We have been living in this country for less than six months. I could not obtain prenatal care.) Note: Literally, it says, "We have less than six months living in the country. I could not control to myself the pregnancy."

Doctor: ¿Y ella había estado comiendo, durmiendo, y evacuando bien?

(And had she been eating, sleeping, and passing stool well?)

Papá: Esta mañana tuvo un poco de fiebre, pero se le pasó con la medicina. Y ha estado durmiendo bien. Las evacuaciones son lentas.

(This morning she had a bit of fever, but it went away [passed] with the medicine. And she has been sleeping well. The stools are slow.)

Mamá: Siempre es difícil alimentarla. Es como que no puede tragar. Si se apura comiendo, de repente le da tos y vomita, así que yo espero un rato, y después continúo. Pero hoy le noté la barriguita un poco más grande.

(It is always difficult to feed her. It is like she can not swallow. If she hurries eating, suddenly she coughs and vomits, so I wait a while, and afterward, I continue. But today I noticed her little belly a bit larger.) Note: Literally, it says, "suddenly it gives her cough and she vomits." This use of the verb "dar," to give, is quite commonly used in discussing symptoms of an illness.

Doctor: En este momento, tiene fiebre. En el tórax hay ruidos que parecen de una infección respiratoria, y está muy distendida.

(At this moment, she has a fever. In her chest [in the thorax] there are noises that seem (to be) from a respiratory infection, and she is very distended.)

Papá: ¿Para qué es ese tubo que le está metiendo por la nariz? ¿Es necesario?

(Why are you putting a tube in her nose? [What is that tube for, that you are putting into her nose?] Is it necessary?)

Doctor: Necesito colocar esta sonda nasogástrica que le va ayudar a sacar el aire que está dentro de su estómago. Le voy a pedir una radiografía de tórax y algunas otras pruebas. Me parece que hay un problema en la vía digestiva superior.

(I need to place this nasogastric tube that is going to help take out the air that is inside of her stomach. I am going to request a chest radiograph and some other tests. It seems to me that there is a problem in the upper digestive tract.)

Enfermera: Pasen por aquí por favor, y siéntense. El doctor les va a hablar en unos minutos.

(Come over here please, and sit down. The doctor is going to speak to you in a few minutes.)

Doctor: Le hicimos a Marina un estudio especial. Este muestra una pequeña comunicación entre su vía digestiva y su vía respiratoria, lo que causa que se ahogue cuando come. Además, algo de comida pasó a sus pulmones y por eso tiene una infección respiratoria.

(We did a special study on Marina. It shows [this shows] a small communication between her digestive tract and her repiratory tract, which causes her to choke [that she chokes] when she eats. Furthermore, some food went into her lungs causing a respiratory infection [and therefore she has a respiratory infection].)

Mamá: ¿Se va a quedar hospitalizada? ¿La van a operar?

(Is she going to remain hospitalized? Are they going to operate?)



Doctor: Por lo pronto, la estabilizaremos y le controlaremos la infección pulmonar. Una vez resuelto ese problema, la prepararemos para la intervención quirúrgica.

(For now, we will stabilize her and control the pulmonary infection. Once that problem resolves, we will prepare her for the surgical intervention.)

Papá: ¿Y qué pasará después de eso?

(And what will happen after that?)

Doctor: Si todo sale como esperamos, será una niña con una vida normal.

(If everything turns out as we expect, she will be a girl with a normal life.)


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.