
Cristina viene a la sala de urgencias.

Medical Spanish - Spanish for healthcare: dialogue 1 (Cristina comes to the emergency room.)

fever - fiebre

Señor Rodriguez: Necesito ayuda. Mi hija se puso muy caliente y ya no habla mucho.

(I need help. My daughter became very hot (febrile), and now she does not speak much.) Note: Use of the verb "poner" in its reflexive form, "ponerse," is how we say "become" in Spanish.

Nurse: Tranquilo, Señor, lo voy a ayudar. Venga aquí.

(Be calm, Sir, I am going to help you. Come here.) Note: The word "tranquilo" is simply the adjective, "tranquil," in English, but is frequently used in context as above.

Señor Rodriguez: Ella tiene dos años. Tuvo diarrea hace tres dias.

(She is two years old. She had diarrhea three days ago.) Note: The expression, "hace tres dias," or "it makes three days," expresses how long ago something occurred in the past.

Nurse: Temperatura 103.8. Pulso, 135. TensiĆ³n arterial, 80/40.

(Temperature, 103.8. Pulse, 135. Blood pressure, 80/40.)

Señor Rodriguez: ¿Qué van a hacer?

(What are you (plural) going to do?)

Doctor: Primero que nada, vamos a hacer exámenes de sangre y orina.

(First of all, we are going to do tests of blood and urine.) Note: The expression, "primero que nada," is very common, and literally means "first than (before) nothing."



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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.