

Conversational Spanish

Learn to converse in Spanish (Aprender a conversar en Español)

Please review Back to Basics if you are just beginning. The purpose of this section is to learn correct pronunciation, in addition to vocabulary and grammar. I recommend that you study, listen, and repeat all of the phrases in the following categories. By mastering these lessons, you will be able begin to have real conversations in Spanish!


1. En el Supermercado (At the Supermarket)

2. En la tienda por Departamentos (At the Department Store)

3. En Relación a Aparatos Electrónicos y Artefactos Electrodomésticos (Regarding Electronic Devices and Electric Appliances)

4. La Naturaleza y el Clima (Nature and the Weather)

5. Los Viajes y el Turismo (Travel and Tourism)

6. Las Amistades (Friendships)

7. Las Relaciones Personales (Personal Relationships)

8. Los Días Feriados y las Tradiciones (Holidays and Traditions)

9. En la Escuela (At School)

10. En el Restaurante (At the Restaurant)