
Leticia tose un gusano.

Medical Spanish - Spanish for healthcare: dialogue 15 (Leticia coughs a worm.)

parasites - parĂ¡sitos

Mamá: ¡Ay señorita, por favor ayúdeme! ¡Mi hija acaba de toser un gusano!

(Ay, miss, please help me. My daughter just coughed up a worm!) Note: Expressions with "acabar de," or "to finish of," are idiomatically translated as above. Literally it would say, "just finished of to cough."

Enfermera: ¿Cómo dice? ¡Enseguida llamo a la doctora!

(What? I will call the doctor right away!) Note: The expression "¿Cómo dice?" literally means "how do you say?" but idiomatically is more like "what?" Also note that the second part literally says, "Immediately I call to the doctor!"

Doctora: Sí, déjeme ver a la niña. Tiene el abdomen un poco distendido y hay algunos ruidos pulmonares agregados.

(Yes, let me see the girl. She has the abdomen a bit distended and there are some extra lung sounds.)

Mamá: Es la primera vez que esto sucede. Ella estaba jugando en el patio y al toser salió el gusano.

(It is the first time that has happened (literally stated in the present tense, "this happens"). She was playing in the yard and with coughing, the worm came out.) Note: Literally, of course, "al toser" means "at the to cough." Really, it could be tranlated, "the worm came out when she was coughing." Also note "estaba," a good example of the imperfect tense of the verb "estar."

Doctora: Le haremos exámenes y algunos rayos X. ¿Ella juega frecuentemente en la tierra?

(We will do tests and some x-rays. Does she play frequently in the dirt?)

Mamá: Sí, en realidad, nosotros vivimos en una granja. Ella siempre está jugando afuera en la tierra.

(Yes, actually (in reality), we live on a farm. She always is playing outside in the dirt.)

Doctora: Algunas veces, hay huevos de parásitos en la tierra que pueden infestar seres humanos. Enviaremos el gusano al laboratorio, para analizarlo.

(Sometimes there are eggs of parasites in the soil which can infest human beings. We will send the worm to the laboratory to analize it.)

Mamá: ¿Habrá que dejarla hospitalizada?

(Will it be necessary to hospitalize her?) Note: Literally, it says, "Will there be that to leave her hospitalized?"

Enfermera: Una vez que la doctora tenga los resultados, decidirá.

(Once the doctor has the results, she will decide.)

Doctora: Es sólo una parasitosis, y los pulmones y el abdomen están bien. Le indicaremos tratamiento.

(It is only a parasitosis, and the lungs and the abdomen are ok. We will prescribe treatment for her.)



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Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.