
Liliana tose con flema.

Medical Spanish - Spanish for healthcare: dialogue 13 (Liliana coughs with phlegm.)

pneumonia - neumonía

Mamá: Mi hija tiene tos con mucha flema.

(My daughter has a cough with a lot of phlegm.)

Doctora: ¿También tiene fiebre?

(Does she also have a fever?)

Mamá: Sí, tiene fiebre alta, y el moco es verdoso.

(Yes, she has a high fever, and the mucus is greenish.)

Doctora: ¿Está comiendo bien?

(Is she eating well?)

Mamá: Sólo quiere líquidos y está somnolienta.

(She only wants liquids and she is somnolent.)

Doctora: Se sienten algunos ruidos característicos de neumonía, aquí en la parte baja del pulmón derecho.

(I hear some noises (literally, "they are sensed some noises") characteristic of pneumonia, here in the lower part of the right lung.)

Mamá: ¿Hay que hospitalizarla?

(Is it necessary to hospitalize her?) Note: Literally, "hay que," means "there is that."

Doctora: Tranquilícese, primero le pediremos rayos X de tórax y exámenes de laboratorio. Luego decidiremos.

(Be calm, first we will request x-rays and laboratory tests. Later we will decide.)

Mamá: Está bien, espero los resultados.

(Ok, I wait for the results.)

Doctora: Voy a ingresar a su hija. Tiene neumonía basal derecha.

(I am going to admit your daughter. She has right basalar pneumonia.)



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Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.