Darío tiene un nódulo en la pierna.
Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 40 (Darío has a nodule on the leg.)
abscess - absceso
Papá: Doctor, el niño tiene un nódulo, caliente y rojo, aquí en la pierna, desde hace 5 días.
(Doctor, the boy has a nodule, hot and red, here on the leg, for 5 days.) Note: Literally, it says, "since it makes 5 days."
Doctor: Sí, ya veo. Y esto, ¿cómo empezó?
(Yes, I see. And this, how did it begin?)
Papá: Inicialmente fue una picada de mosquito, pequeña, que le picaba. Luego, empezó a rascarse con desesperación. Desde entonces, empezó a crecer.
(Initially it was a mosquito bite, small, that was itching him. Later, he began to scratch himself desperately. [with desperation]. Since then, it began to grow.)
Doctor: ¿Ha tenido fiebre o algún otro síntoma?
(Has he had fever or some other symptom?)
Papá: Desde esta mañana, no quiere caminar, y le duele cuando se lo toco. Tuvo fiebre ayer en la tarde de 101.
(Since this morning, he does not want to walk, and it hurts him when I touch it. He had a fever of 101 yesterday afternoon.) Note: Literally it says, "when to him it I touch," using the indirect object pronoun in addition to the direct object pronoun, which is so frequently done in Spanish. Also observe the use of "se" here instead of "le," which avoids putting "le" together with "lo," which is not permitted.
Doctor: Esto es un absceso, y ya está bastante blando. Por tanto, podemos drenarlo para resolver la infección.
(This is an abscess, and now it is quite soft. Therefore, we can drain it to resolve the infection.)
¿Y cómo hará eso doctor?
(And how will you you do that doctor?)
Doctor: Le colocaremos un poco de anestesia local, y luego le haremos una pequeña incisión, que permitirá la salida del pus.
(We will give him a bit of local anesthesia, and later we will make a small incision that will permit the pus to come out.)
Papá: ¿Y luego qué tengo que hacer?
(And later what do I have to do?)
Doctor: Le tiene que hacer cambio de cura diariamente. Le debe dar antibiótico por varios días, y lo traerá a control en tres días.
(You have to make dressing changes daily. You must give to him antibiotic for a few days, and you will bring him for follow up in three days.) Note: Literally, it says "To him you have that to make change of dressing daily."
Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.
Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.