
Miguel no respira bien.

Medical Spanish - Spanish for healthcare: dialogue 11 (Miguel does not breathe well.)

[dificultad para respirar]

Sr. Luna: Mi hijo, Miguel, está tosiendo demasiado y no respira bien.

(My son, Miguel, is coughing too much and does not breathe well.)

Doctor: Acuéstelo aquí. Quítele la ropa y déjeme examinarlo.

(Lay him here. Take off his clothes and let me examine him.)

Sr. Luna: Anoche cuando iba a dormir, tosía; y además, el pecho le sonaba gracioso, como pajaritos piando.

(Last night, when he was going to sleep, he coughed; and in addition, his chest was sounding funny, like birds chirping.)

Doctor: ¿Es la primera vez que esto sucede? ¿Está botando moco con la tos?

(Is it the first time that this has happened? Is he coughing up mucus? Literally, "Is he expelling mucus with the cough?")

Sr. Luna: No, esto ha ocurrido otras veces...y no, no está botando moco con la tos.

(No, this has occured other times...and no, he is not expelling mucus with the cough.)

Doctor: Ahora realmente tiene bastante dificultad para respirar, le pediremos exámenes y una radiografia de tórax. ¿Ha tenido fiebre?

(Now he really does have quite a bit of difficulty breathing. We will request examinations and a chest xray. (Literally, "radiograph of the thorax.") Has he had fever?)

Sr. Luna: No, sólo tiene la tos y la dificultad respiratoria.

(No, he only has the cough and the respiratory difficulty.)

Doctor: En efecto, los exámenes muestran que es asma bronquial. Le iniciaremos tratamiento ya, y luego tal vez podrá irse a casa con medicamentos.

(In effect, the examinations show that it is bronchial asthma. We will initiate treatment now, and later, maybe, he will be able to go home with medications.)



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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.